Father of adult film star Emily Willis gives shocking update on her condition after cardiac arrest

Emily Willis’ condition has apparently improved. The adult film star recently suffered cardiac arrest while she was at a celebrity rehab center. She has since fallen into a coma, but her stepfather revealed that her condition had improved slightly.

Although still in a vegetative state, Emily has shown some signs of consciousness, such as moving her eyes and expressing emotions.

Earlier this month, Emily’s younger brother also posted an update on her health via a GoFundMe page:

“Hello everyone, thank you very much for all the support and donations. I am posting this update to inform all your friends and fans who are concerned about my sister’s well-being. “There has been a lot of misinformation about our dear Emily’s condition and we wanted to clarify her progress and her current status.”

“Emily remains in a vegetative coma and is fighting for her life. We have been by her side as she tries to slowly recover, but the journey ahead will be a challenge.”

He went on to say that reports of an overdose “are not accurate as far as the doctors and my family know.”

“Emily was receiving the treatment and help she needed at the time of the incident to overcome her struggles,” he wrote. She retired from the adult industry almost two years ago and had aspirations of success in other fields of entertainment. Those who worked with her in her new career knew that she had the potential to achieve her dreams.”

Updates on Emily Willis’ condition

According to the New York PostEmily (real name Litzy Lara Banulos) went to a Malibu rehab center for addiction in January. She was only there about eight days before her staff apparently found her unconscious.

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On February 5, she was rushed to the hospital, suspecting a drug overdose. However, it turned out that Emily suffered cardiac arrest and there were no traces of drugs in her system.

Since then, she has been in a coma and has been put on a ventilator. Although her stepfather shared that her condition has improved slightly, Emily’s doctors reportedly don’t expect much more progress.

Currently, he has regained consciousness and is able to “follow things with his eyes, smile and get excited during conversations,” according to the New York Post. It is at least hopeful that he has since woken up from his nearly two-month coma.

Categories: Biography
Source: vcmp.edu.vn

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