Every Difference Between Avatar 2’s Omatikaya & Metkayina

Avatar: The Road of Water An entirely new Na’vi clan was introduced, called the Metkayina – with many differences between them and the Omitakaya. These aquatic Na’vi live in a completely different environment than the Omitakaya, the first Na’vi clan introduced. Avatar Movie. This means that Metkayina must fend off many of the water and wildlife threats on the dangerous planet. AvatarPandora. Although they may look very similar at first glance, Metkayina and Omitakaya have many biological differences. Avatar: The Road of Water.

Avatar: The Road of Water Follow Jake Sully and his family as they flee their homeland to escape returning RDA soldiers, including the reincarnation of Colonel Quaritch. A small group of Omitakayas travel east, where they encounter the Omitakaya clan, a group of Na’vi who have built their society around the vast ocean of Pandora. Although Omitakaya initially clashed with Metkayina, Jake Sully and his family eventually learned to live in harmony with the Na’vi who lived in the sea and found a way to coexist with the new tribe despite their many differences. about their culture and biology.


The most obvious difference between Metkayina Na’vi is their green skin. While Omitakaya are known for their vibrant green skin, Metkayina’s green skin allows them to better survive in their environment. Basically, their green skin allows them to blend in perfectly with Pandora’s green ocean, allowing them to evade predators while swimming.

Besides biological reasons, there are practical reasons. Avatar: The Road of Water Metkayina’s skin color change. Having green skin allows viewers to visually tell which tribe Na’vi belongs to, as skin color is easier to spot than other ethnic differences. By contrast, Omitakaya is the fish in Metkayina, and the different colors allow the film to create this distinction visually.

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finned weapon

The Ronal, Tonowari and Metkayina clans in Avatar 2

Another major difference between Metkayina Na’vi is their thick and finned arms. Metkayina’s broad forearms are almost like oars, allowing them to swim across Pandora’s oceans with great strength. Their arms also allow Metkayina to hit the ball harder, while also being large enough to use defensively, blocking oncoming hits. From start to finish Avatar: The Road of WaterMetkayina mocked Jake Sully’s children, whose relatively thin arms were the target of many pranks.

Bigger tail

tail metkayina

In addition to the arms, Metkayina also has a much larger tail than Omitakaya. Although Omitakaya’s tail is thin, it can grab objects (meaning the tail is capable of grabbing objects), AvatarMetkayina has a flat and thick tail. In the water, the Omitakaya use their tail as a rudder, giving them better maneuverability in the water. The tail can also be used in combat, with Avatar: The Road of Water Metkayina is shown sweeping the legs of other Na’vi with her tail and hitting them with powerful swings from a distance.

transparent eyelids

Na'vi Avatar 2 Swimming

Perhaps the smallest difference between Metkayina and Omitakya is Metkayina’s eyelids. Despite having normal eyelids, Metkayina has a second eyelid below the main eyelid. These eyelids are transparent, allowing Metkayina to see underwater without damaging her eyes. Metkayina blurred eyelids avatar 2 It is actually found in many marine animals such as mackerel, milkfish and jack fish. Known as a fat eyelid, this small detail may not go unnoticed by many, making it yet another example of a well-crafted world. Avatar: The Road of Water.

loose hair

Waterway duke avatar with fish swimming in the water

One of the most striking features of the Na’vi is their hair, which the Omitakaya usually wear in a long black braid. While the Metkayina also have black hair, they have much less hair than the arboreal species. So, Metkayina has many different hairstyles, she prefers a looser cut to let her hair float. The different hairstyles of the Metkayina tribe are another example of the many cultural differences between the different Na’vi tribes on Pandora, adding another layer of detail to the world. Avatar.

Metkayina’s loose hair also gave the tribe a survival advantage. In water, Metkayina’s hair floats, demonstrating the excellent water and hair physics of the new product. Avatar Movie. It also makes Metkayina appear larger, capable of warding off predators in Pandora’s ocean. Many real-life animals stand up instinctively to make predators look bigger, and it makes sense that the Na’vi would have developed this survival instinct.

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Small ears

Avatar 2 Leader of Metkayina

Another subtle difference between Omitakaya and Metkayina is that Metkayina has smaller ears. Compared to Jack Sally and his family, Metkaina’s ears appear to be much smaller and the tubes in their ears are also much smaller. While it’s not certain why Metkayina had this difference, it’s likely an adaptation that allowed the Na’vi to suck less water through their ears when swimming. On top of that, Metkayina is probably less heard than Omitakaya. While Omitakaya must hear predators through the constant rustle of leaves, Omitakaya live on fairly flat beaches, which makes their hearing less important.

Bigger breasts and firmer belly

metkayina's stomach

The final difference between the two Na’vi tribes is the ratio between the chest and abdomen of the Metkayina.exist Avatar: The Road of WaterThe average Metkayina seems to have a wider bust and a slimmer belly. Since the Metkayina can’t breathe underwater, this adaptation likely stems from their need to stay underwater for long periods of time. before the end of this year Avatar: The Road of WaterThere were times when Omitakaya Na’vi was almost out of breath – a struggle Metkayina had never shown.

Theoretically, Metkayina’s larger ribcage allowed them more room for larger lungs. This ability to increase lung capacity explains why they can stay underwater for so long without needing to surface. Their thinner abdomens may have meant that their remaining organs were also smaller, making the Metkayinas about the same size as other Na’vi while still being suitable for their environment. Small details like these are why Pandora Avatar: The Road of Water is a lovely and sophisticated place.

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