Dungeons & Dragons 5e: What Feats Are The Most Useful & Why

Creating characters for new campaigns is one of the highlights of Dungeons and Dragons. The game offers infinite possibilities for growing characters as campaigns progress, adding depth and growth both narratively and tactically as players explore, investigate, and battle their way through the world. One of the challenges players face as they gain levels, however, is the acquisition of feats. What are the best well-rounded feats for any class? While the question is truly subjective to the character build and player preference, here are some picks that round out any race or class.

When looking at feats in Dungeons and Dragons, there are a number of powerful choices. Many are assigned by class or by race, giving certain creatures a boost in combat or flavor in role-play. Some of the most useful universal feats for any character of any race tend to boost stats or allow escape from dire situations. Just like spells, many feats can be massively overpowered in D&D, which can make deciding difficult for players. Here are a few that can be used widely and with few modifications for any player.

The feat ‘Lucky’ allows a player’s character to reroll a D20 for any attack, ability, or saving throw as well as reroll an attack roll against the player three times a day. With three charges to the feat per long rest, this gives the player the ability to manipulate their fate and take actions into their own hands. While it might be a headache for the Dungeon Master, the narrative and tactile power of the feat makes it an excellent attribute for any player.

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D&D Feats That Boost Every Class And Race

For players wanting to have a better chance at spotting a trap or seeing something worth looting before the rest of the party, the Dungeons & Dragons feat ‘Observant’ will do the trick. With a +1 to wisdom and intelligence modifiers, and a +5 to passive perception and investigation, any character will have eyes like a hawk. To add a bonus to this amazing feat, the character can also read the lips of any creature speaking in a known language. These skills will add to a D&D player’s purse as well as any create opportunities to sleuth information beneficial to the party. It also lowers the likelihood of death by a pitfall of poison spikes in a dungeon, which is always a plus.

To add to the list of potentially overpowered D&D skills and spells players have access too, ‘Mobile’ definitely makes the list. By increasing a characters base speed by 10 feet per movement, and nullifying difficult terrain when using the ‘dash’ action, players can speed by enemies with ease. Depending on class and race, the character could easily become a fighter jet on legs. This feat also negates opportunity attacks made against the player when they use any melee attack, whether they hit or miss. Mobile is perfect for any D&D character who wants to destroy enemies with the grace and speed of a cheetah.

By picking a solid feat any character can gain a bonus that benefits gameplay both on the battlefield and off. Some of the best universal feats look innocent at first glance, but when used with the right class or paired with the right existing skills, can make a player unstoppable. Whether the character is hoping to outwit their surroundings or shred them with a powerful sword and impossible speed, Dungeons and Dragons offers just the right building blocks for every person.

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