‘Dog Days Are Over’ Lyrics & Download Links – Listen to the popular Florence + the Machine song used in ‘Guardians 3’

fans of the Guardians of the Galaxy The franchise knows that music plays an integral role in the movies and the biggest song from the third movie is undoubtedly “Dog Days Are Over” by Florence + the Machine.

The song is one of the last heard in the film and provides such an uplifting moment that it won’t be soon forgotten.

Need help learning the lyrics or finding the download link? We’ve got you covered!

Keep reading to know more…

The song is from the group’s debut album. Lungswhich was released in December 2008. It remains Florence’s highest charting song on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and peaked at number 21.

From the moment the first chords start playing, you are immediately hooked on the song!

“Happiness hit her like a train on a track / It was coming towards her, it stopped, there was no turning back / She hid in corners and hid under beds / She kissed him to death and from there she fled”, the lyrics of the song. begin. song.

You can download the song on iTunes right now, or stream it for free below on YouTube.

YouTube video

Read the full lyrics below!

Categories: Biography
Source: vcmp.edu.vn

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