Does Kristen Bell Actually Sing In Burlesque?

Kristen Bell as Nikki funny showand had a background in musical theater in college with her in frozen, it’s easy to assume that she sings in the movie. However, her actual role is more complicated. Known for her powerful voice, Christina Aguilera proved her ability even more with the lead role of Alice “Ali” Marilyn Rose in the film. Bale plays a smaller role as the best friend of Tess Sculley (Cher), the owner of Funny Lounge. Nicky performed at the beginning of the film, lip-syncing Marilyn Monroe’s “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” and then seemingly soloing “Long John the Blues”.

Bell, who did that? gossip Girl Voiceover, has appeared in several Broadway and off-stage musicals, and has appeared in musicals while attending NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts. However, her voice is best known for voicing Ana . frozen And Ice 2 Join stage icon Idina Menzel, who voices Elsa.Bell also performed Irene Cara’s “Fame” at the 2005 Emmy Awards and during Tonight’s Show with Jimmy Fallonproves that she is completely capable of singing a piece of music. However, that doesn’t mean she has a chance to show off her skills funny show.

No, Kristen Bell doesn’t sing in Burlesque

Despite her background and clear singing ability, Bell didn’t sing in the 2010 musical. Instead, Aguilera and Cher brought joy to the film with their vocal performances, while Bale Get a chance to sync your voice and lip sync with other singers. Actress and singer Megan Mulally, best known for her role as Karen Walker in the movie will and grace, is the voice behind Bell’s show. She was also included in the burlesque soundtrack for her performance in Long John Blues.

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While Bale certainly knows how to sing and has proven his talent many times, Mulally is arguably the better fit funny show Efficiency. Mullally could have been better sung because she heard Belle’s voice come out of the mouth of the burlesque performer, now best known as Anna frozen In hindsight, that can be a bit unsettling. In the end, the choice not to have Bell sing in Nikki’s performance was correct. funny show.

Why Kristen Bell Doesn’t Play Nikki In Burlesque

It’s not clear why Kristen Bell doesn’t actually sing in “Burlesque,” but the best guess seems to be that Bell’s voice isn’t a good fit for the role. Belle’s sweet voice is perfect for a princess, that’s why she’s great as Ana in both movies. frozen Movie.However, such innocence does not exist in funny showAlong with performers like Aguilera and Cher, Bell seems out of place despite her vocal talent. In contrast, Mulally’s voice is deeper and harsher, more in keeping with the movie and Nicky’s character.

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