Denis Villeneuve wants a trilogy of ‘Dune’ movies, teases there are already ‘words on paper’!

Denis Villeneuve has bigger plans for Dune.

The 55-year-old Canadian filmmaker, who adapted Frank Herbert’s classic book into a two-part film, spoke about his plans for the project in a new interview.

Fans of the novel know that the author continued the story of Arrakis in a series of subsequent books, before his son Brian took over to continue it further.

As rumors have circulated that the director might be interested in expanding beyond Parts I and II of Dunespoke with Empire.

Keep reading to know more…

“If I manage to make a trilogy, that would be my dream,” he said.

The third part would consist of Messiah of the dunesthe direct continuation of Dune.

Messiah of the dunes “It was written as a reaction to the fact that people perceived Paul Atreides as a hero,” he continued.

“Which is not what he wanted to do. my adaptation [of Dune] “It’s closer to your idea that it’s actually a warning.”

Dune: part three It would mark the end of the director’s time with the franchise, he went on to clarify.

“After that, the books become more… esoteric,” he says.

“I will say there are words on the paper,” he joked about the possibility of a third film.

Dune: Part Two has moved the release dates once again. Find out what’s going on.

Categories: Biography

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