DC’s Pennyworth Cancelled At HBO Max Days After Titans & Doom Patrol

Pennyworth: The Origins of Batman’s Butler Will not continue on HBO Max. worth the coin is a Batman prequel series that delves into the past of respected Bat family member Alfred Pennyworth. The series ran for three seasons, starting with Epix and then moving to season 3 on HBO Max.there, by Gotham CityBruno Heller Joins Other DC Shows giant And doom patrolboth were also canceled a few days ago worth the coinfate has been announced.

hollywood reporter revealed that HBO Max has decided not worth the coin Season 4. The film stars Jack Bannon as young Alfred Pennyworth, who later meets iconic DC characters like Thomas Wayne (Ben Aldridge)) and Martha Cain (Emma Petz). worth the coin renamed to Pennyworth: The Origins of Batman’s Butler As for the third and final season, it could have been an attempt to garner more interest in the series, but it doesn’t seem to have worked out.

What the HBO Max cancellation means for the future of DC’s live-action series

The DC Universe is rebooting, and newly established DC Studios co-CEOs James Gunn and Peter Safran are changing things up to create a cohesive shared universe for DC that includes movies, shows, and movies. television, animation and games. While Gunn and Safran weren’t actively involved in HBO Max’s decision to cancel any of the DC series, their goal was to create a DCU that’s interconnected across different mediums, i.e., different mediums. series like live-action canceled giant, doom patrol, And worth the coin It would be a rare sight.

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This is not to say that DC’s live action series that are not directly related to the new DCU will stop, they are just more specific projects that will be released in the future. another world Labels. In announcing the first ten projects starting with DCU Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters, Gunn revealed any projects that fall outside the main DCU storyline, such as a children’s animated series. Teen giants go! or directed to adults clown The franchise starring Joaquin Phoenix is ​​now moving in another world Label. One of those projects will be a sequel to director Matt Reeves’ Gotham Universe from last year. Batman.

It’s no secret that Reeves is trying to build an all-inclusive universe around Robert Pattinson’s version of The Dark Knight. While DCU will continue to roll out new products in the reality TV space, such as the recently announced wall maker, lantern, paradise lost And booster money Series – Real-life DC shows closed outside the DCU should be kept to a minimum, Reeves’ Batman The universe makes up most, if not all. According to the report, Batman Three live-action TV spinoffs are currently in the works, including The Arkham Asylum Show, a spinoff focusing on the Gotham Police Department, and the upcoming sequel. penguin A movie that has the participation of Colin Farrell. DC’s new approach means series like worth the coin Not likely to be done, Gunn and Safran focused on exploring the connected future of the DCU.


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