Daryl’s Spinoff Must Address Walking Dead’s Longest Zombie Plot Hole

Warning: Spoilers for The Walking Dead and The Walking Dead: World Beyond

Daryl’s upcoming spin-off series needs to find the remaining plot holes zombie When the show explains its mysterious zombie variant, there’s never a reason. For a series spanning 11 seasons, zombie It leaves many story details unexplored in its fictional world. This is partly due to zombieThe plot’s. In this story, the show’s ever-changing ranks of survivors travel across the country, meaning the characters aren’t looking for a definitive explanation for the mystery behind the zombie plague. Instead, Rick, Carl, Michonne, Darryl and others barely have enough to live, which means many mysteries remain unsolved.

Yet another reason zombie Failing to explain everything about the world of the show has more to do with the future of the franchise. Four Walking Dead spin-offs are in the works and there could be more in the works due to the series’ popularity. It makes sense for these shows to delve deeper into some of the storylines that have only been touched upon zombie. In progress, zombieA show spinoff could explain many of the plot holes that appeared in the original show. Especially, Daryl’s side story can explain the biggest lingering question zombieZombie variant.

Walking Dead Variant Can’t Evolve Zombies

For the longest time, the zombie variants that appeared on the show went completely unexplained. This has changed zombie In season 11, it was suggested that the mutation is due to evolution or zombie learning. Season 11’s new zombie variant could be the result of an evolutionary change to the undead, as a lot of time has passed since the original apocalypse zombieOverall, however, this explanation does not stand up to scrutiny. After all, Rick was zombie Part 1, long before the undead had time to evolve.

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This suggests that there may be another, more thorough explanation behind zombievariant of .although zombie The explanation for Season 11 isn’t much of an answer, and a better explanation lies in the lore of the franchise after the credits The Walking Dead: The AfterlifeThe finale saw a scientific team admit them”make the situation worse“, this could translate into an implicit assumption that they created mutant zombies by accident. As mutant zombies display more intelligence than those that lurk or wander (and can be seen). found when opening doors, running, and wielding rudimentary weapons), they may be the result of the team’s efforts to cure the virus.

World Beyond hints at different interpretations of the TWD variant

Josh Hamilton as Lance in The Walking Dead and Pollyanna McIntosh as Jadis in World Beyond

The French believe that the mutation is due to the intervention of scientists. This explanation might better explain why Rick encountered mutant zombies in the first place zombie. It seems that these variations disappear quickly, only to return later. Although most zombies appear in zombie Whether Roamers or Lurkers, the idea that mutant zombies are an anomalous scientific phenomenon created by a failed attempt to cure the disease would explain why they only appear sporadically in the series. This could also account for their increased intelligence, as scientists may be trying to restore human affection for the undead.

Daryl Dixon’s spin-off finally solves The Walking Dead’s mutant zombie problem

Norman Reedus as Darryl Dixon in 'The Walking Dead'

Daryl’s spinoff promises to solve this lingering franchise mystery for two reasons. On one hand, Darryl’s status as a fearless killer means the character is more equipped than most zombies and lives to tell the story. zombiehero. This means that Daryl’s confrontation with them won’t be unpleasant or (unusually) unrealistic (also, while the Rick and Michonne spinoff features two equally skilled killers, there are already two killers of equal skill). enough of those characters to connect). Meanwhile, Daryl’s familiarity means that his side stories need to be engaging and the villain can deliver that.

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Although the worst villains zombie While it’s always been the same humans the heroes stumble across in the show’s post-apocalyptic setting, the show’s main threat remains the roaming hordes of undead. Such is the case with mutant zombies, they are faster, smarter and more dangerous than the lurkers and wanderers. like this, zombieA Darryl Dixon spin-off might spark interest in a character that audiences might get tired of giving him a new villain to confront, and mutant zombies could be. guarantee that this new threat will be terrifying enough to make even Daryl’s future uncertain.

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