CBS Removes Luke Valentine from ‘Big Brother’ After He Used N-Word in the House

The first contestant to leave the Big Brother house this season wasn’t voted out of the game, he was removed by producers due to his conduct.

Luke Valentine has been expelled from the game after he was caught on the live feeds using the N-word while chatting with housemates. The moment happened on Tuesday night (August 8) while he was talking to Jared, Cory and Hisam.

While speaking with them, Luke said, “We’re in the G’s room, [slur]!” He then realized he said the word, put his hand to his mouth, and said “I’m sorry.”

Head inside to see what CBS said in a statement…

CBS responded to the incident by removing Luke from the show.

“Luke violated the Big Brother code of conduct and there is zero tolerance in the house for using a racial slur. He has been removed from the house,” CBS said in a statement (via Variety). “His departure will be addressed in Thursday night’s show.”

Big Brother has had a history of inappropriate and racially charged language for years from various contestants. Last year, contestant Kyle Capener made troubling comments about race that eventually caused his eviction. A few years ago, Big Brother producers even responded to the claims of racism.

Categories: Biography

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