Cate Blanchett and Michael Fassbender to star in Steven Soderbergh’s upcoming thriller ‘Black Bag’

Cate Blanchett and Michael Fassbender to co-star in spy thriller!

The film, titled black bagwill be directed by Steven Soderbergh, THR reports.

Keep reading to know more…

More details about the film’s plot have been kept secret, however, the outlet noted that black bag It will take place in the United Kingdom.

Additionally, the script will be written by David Keopp, who previously worked on titles such as Jurassic Park, Mission Impossibleand Spiderman.

Cate last appeared on screen in 2023. The new boy. Michael’s most recent project is with Taika Waititi. Next goal winswhich was also launched in 2023.

If you missed it, Cate Blanchett is joining forces with Michael’s wife, Alicia Vikander, in a new comedy!

Plus, Michael Fassbender will star in an upcoming biopic!

Categories: Biography

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