Busy Philipps celebrates one year since the terrifying fall down the stairs and shares a video of that moment

Busy Philipps had a terrifying moment exactly one year ago.

He puma city The actress took to her Instagram account to commemorate one year since she fell backwards down the stairs outside her New York City home.

Busy revealed that he miraculously survived the moment without even a scratch on his body.

“A year ago today, I fell backwards down the steep stairs of a house (sober) and didn’t have a single scratch, not even where the pumpkin bounced off my butt,” Busy said.

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Busy continued: “Listen, I remember thinking that 2022 would be a heartbreaker, but I was wrong. The truth is that 2022 was pretty good until everything that came after that fall (I’M ONLY TALKING ABOUT MY OWN PERSONAL LIFE EXPERIENCE) So anyway, I decided that this year would end. It’s over. Today was the last day of last year for me and tomorrow everything will be fucking new. Goodbye 2023! I am very excited for the new year that begins tomorrow. “I’ll see you there.”

Watch the video clip below or on Instagram.

YouTube video

Categories: Biography
Source: vcmp.edu.vn

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