‘Big Brother’ 2023 Spoilers: 2 Contestants Gone After First Live Episode (1 Eviction, 1 Removed by Producers)

The first week of Big Brother‘s new season has come to a close and two contestants have been sent home, though only one of them was actually evicted by the houseguests.

As you’ve probably already read about, one contestant was removed by producers this week for violating the code of conduct set in place by CBS.

The removal was addressed during the live eviction episode on Thursday (August 10), but that didn’t stop the game from moving forward and there was still an eviction at the end of the week.

The week began with four contestants going up on the nomination block when they were the four losers in the first competition of the season. After a head of household was chosen, the new HOH was given the power to remove two of those people from the block, leaving the others at risk of eviction.

Browse through the slideshow to see the two contestants sent home this week…

Categories: Biography
Source: vcmp.edu.vn

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