Bhad Bhabie reveals sex of first motorcycle baby for Marc Jacobs campaign

Rapper and internet personality Bhad Bhabie is now the face of Marc Jacobs x Barragán’s Heaven. The campaign also reveals his pregnancy, which was leaked in early December, as well as the sex of his baby.

Born Danielle Bregoli, also known as Bhad Bhabie, she gained fame from Dr. Phil in 2016. She turned her appearance on the show into internet stardom and a music career.

With her recent pregnancy announcement, Bhad Bhabie fully embraces motherhood. Campaign images show her in several scenes, including a crop top with jeans with mixed media prints that show off her baby bump, on a soccer field in a cropped polo shirt and skirt with pink knee-high boots, and in a motorcycle with pink exhaust gases. , indicating that she is expecting a girl.


– Bhad Bhabie (@BhadBhabie) December 12, 2023

Bhad Bhabie pregnant with a girl

In a recent WWD interview, Bhabie explained how the ad campaign and baby announcement came about.

“Marc Jacobs’ team reached out to point it to the sky and it was right before the pregnancy leaked, so they didn’t know,” she said. “When they found out, they still wanted to do it and so did I, so we made it happen. It was a quick change but I love how it turned out.”

We thought it would be cool to try to do a gender reveal with the pictures, so we had a little fun,” Bhabie continued. “I’m enjoying this whole experience and am grateful to have these amazing photos to share with my daughter one day.”

Categories: Biography

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