Attack on Titan’s Armored Titan vs Eren Gets Legendary Fanart It Deserves

In a dizzying example of professional quality fan art, artist @Justin96636 recreates Attack the giantEren Yeager’s dramatic battle between armored giants and attacking giants in the iconic ukiyo-e style of ancient Japan.

Ukiyo-e refers to the traditional Japanese art style popular between 1600 and 1900. This style, like comic books today, provides mass-produced visual entertainment to the public. To create ukiyo-e paintings, artists draw pictures on woodblocks, engrave marks, then paint over the engraved woodblocks and reprint the images on paper to complete the picture. This style is often used to tell the story of great wars and battles, depicting brave warriors and armor-clad heroes with striking facial expressions and poses to convey a convincing story. . Ukiyo-e in this style usually includes brief descriptions of battles or situations, unlike tables in manga.

activity from @justin96636, who shared the article on Twitter, is good at recreating pop culture in evocative ukiyo-e style. One of the favorite themes of the creators in these works is recreating characters, scenes, and battles from the comics. In this case, that means the ultimate battle Attack the giant Chapter 75 Between Reiner Braun’s armored giant and Alan Yeager’s attacking giant, on the streets of the Shinganshina district.

This art first chose the perfect subject for ukiyo-e-style art, depicting truly epic battles between creatures larger than life. It even provides a description of the scene in green characters, which can be translated as “gods and demons”. That’s the definition of a picture worth a thousand words, as even the Attack Titan’s fist-clenching abilities are reflected in the larger picture. In their previous battles, the Assault Titan did not develop this ability, however, 4 years later, he was able to use it to counteract the armor splitting effect of the Armor Titan.

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Attack the giant A dark, often brutal meditation on the cost and nature of war, art becomes at the heart of that idea – even as iconic giants clash at the center of the image – with the people burning beneath them. Great fan art isn’t about recreating what already exists, but about finding a new window, bringing new perspectives to those who can feel they’ve experienced everything they’ve ever experienced. series bring. In this case, the ukiyo-e style artwork by @Justin96636 Attack the giantThe astonishing Clash of the Titans has done just that, and it might take many fans a moment to think that there can be no more epic content, and reimagine it in the way of a mythical clash between gods and monsters.

source: @justin96636

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