Arnold Schwarzenegger says he has struggled with his aging body and feels like ‘damaged goods’

Arnold Schwarzenegger had a very honest conversation about his body image.

The 76-year-old actor and politician has been known for his muscular physique since he burst onto the scene. However, during a recent interview, he addressed how his body perception has changed with age.

He also revealed the first time he felt like “damaged goods” and why he looks in the mirror and tells himself “you suck.”

Read more about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s body image…

“I look at this body. Look at those pectoral muscles that used to be firm, perky and really powerful with a striation there. Now they are just hanging there. I mean, what the hell is going on here?” Arnold asked during an appearance on The Howard Stern Show.

He went on to say that it was difficult as it had been “hailed for years as this supreme body.”

“You have the definition and you see the veins going down your abs and you see the veins on the top of your chest,” he said of his physique, noting that it was particularly difficult for him since he had been in such incredible shape.

Arnold made it clear that this wasn’t something he ever thought he’d have to worry about, saying that “it just sucks.”

Recalling a heart surgery she had when she was 50, the star explained that it was the first time she felt “damaged goods” and “vulnerable.”

He may not love his aging body, but Arnold accepted it and found the silver lining in things: “The bottom line is, I’m 76 years old,” he told the host. “I am full of energy. I am full of enthusiasm. “I’m just as excited and excited as I was when I was 30.”

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If you missed it, Arnold recently weighed in on the possibility of running to become president.

Press play on the Arnold Schwarzenegger interview below…

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