Anthony Marrocco A Public Works Commissioner Was Found Guilty Of Corruption

Former Macomb County Public Affairs Commissioner Anthony Marrocco pleaded guilty in the investigation into a multi-year corruption scandal that led to the convictions of multiple officials and contractors. Anthony Marrocco, 74, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Robert Cleland in Port Huron on Tuesday, September 20, two years after he was charged with two counts of extortion and one count of attempted extortion. money and conspiracy to blackmail.

According to The Detroit News, prosecutors in the case agreed to drop the extortion charge in exchange for a 16-month prison sentence. Before accepting the terms of the settlement, Anthony Marrocco faced trial on all four counts of felony extortion, which carries a 20-year federal prison sentence. According to the magazine, if Judge Cleland decides to sentence the former commissioner to more than 16 months in prison, Marrocco could withdraw his plea.

Fed charges Anthony Marrocco in Macomb County corruption case

– Steve Neavling (@MCmuckraker) May 27, 2020

Everything you need to know about Anthony Morok’s blackmail attempt

Anthony Marrocco, one of Detroit’s longest-serving officials, is also considered a formidable politician in the region, using his influence to woo builders and contractors to fund those. raise your funds. From 1993 to 2016, Marrocco ran a blackmail business in which he used his influence to blackmail individuals. Fundraising donations will go to his political campaigns and causes.

If someone refused to donate to his donors, Marrocco allegedly retaliated by delaying the issuance of building permits and contracts to those people. According to Detroit News, the FBI has spent six years investigating a corruption case involving former garbage magnate Chuck Rizzo, transportation mogul Gasper Fiore and other local officials. Marrocco is said to play an important role in the plot.

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Moroko was charged in 2020. After his client pleaded guilty in court, his attorney released the following statement.

“Tony Marrocco pleaded guilty – and that’s the only thing he pleaded guilty to, everything else was denied – what he pleaded guilty to was pressuring a developer to buy a table at a fundraiser.” The developer never buys the boards. However, it was an attempt at blackmail. That is all.”

Anthony Marrocco’s confession was an important move in the blackmail scheme.

U.S. Attorney Dawn Ison said in a statement to the newspaper that Marrocco had exploited his influence in the government for years, extorting thousands of dollars from individuals to get seats at a controversial party. its fund. He believes this sends a strong message to those in power that they must not abuse their position.

Anthony Marrocco

He said in a statement:

“Marrocco’s extortion sentence sends a strong message that public officials cannot use their state status to pressure people to donate to their political campaigns. This verdict represents Macomb County’s years-long fight against corruption, which has helped advance the rule of law and good governance for county residents.”

According to Detroit News, Morocco will serve the sentence on January 26, 2023.

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