All Zombies 3 Songs, Ranked By Catchiness

This summer, Disney+ released Zombies 3 after the first two films in the series proved successful for a new generation of Disney kids thanks to their bright colors, message of inclusiveness and fun songs.

This third installment offers all those elements and more. The music has a lot to live up to, and while some of the songs are as good as any from the first two Zombies movies, not all of them hit the mark. So which Zombies 3 songs are as catchy as “Flesh and Bone” from Zombies 2, and which songs fall flat?


Matt Cornett, Terry Hu, and Kyra Tantao

The aliens are practicing the cheer routine they plan to use at Seabrook’s Cheer Off competition. They perform several amazing tricks and defy gravity to this song.

This song isn’t very catchy. There is only one word said in the same uniform way every ten seconds and the beat of the music is difficult to feel. This song makes sense for the alien’s performance and their sense of unity, but compared to the other songs in this movie “Utopia” doesn’t have much sustenance.

Fired Up

Zombies 3 Cast

Zed and Addison side-hug in Zombies 3

At the very beginning of Zombies 3, the high school appears to be hosting a pep rally. The Mighty Shrimp Cheer Squad performs their routine.

“Fired Up” is more of a chant than a song, but the accompanying trumpet is fun and the beat is sweet. This can be considered a reprise to the “Fired Up” song that was sung in the original Zombies, though that rendition had more of a defined structure and melody. This is the first of many nods to previous movies. This franchise is considered one of the best movie trilogies released by the Disney Channel, and the inclusion of “Fired Up” in Zombies 3 shows that the writers and producers take pride in the original 2018 movie.

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Nothing But Love

Zombies 3 Cast

The cast of Zombies 3 are lined up in a big room for the final shot of the movie

It’s the end of the movie and all important conflicts have been resolved. As with any Disney Channel musical, they end with a fun musical number. Because this is the final film in the franchise, “Nothing But Love” also serves as a goodbye song to fans.

This finale song is exciting with an exuberant tempo and melody. Some of the lyrics reference previous songs in the franchise such as “Own The Night” and “Do It Like The Zombies Do,” which is awesome. While “Nothing But Love” is poppy and fun, a lot is going on. Rather than being one of the catchiest songs, it’s the most chaotic and it can be hard to get into.

I’m Finally Me

Zombies 3 Cast

Addison Stands Alone In School Corridor Singing

Addison finds out that she has alien DNA and powers that activate with the magic stardust the aliens brought with them. Addison expresses her excitement at finally knowing the truth and she sings this song.

“I’m Finally Me” is reminiscent of “Stand” from the first movie in which Addison pulls off her wig and shows Seabrook who she really is. It wasn’t the best song and sequence in Zombies, and “I’m Finally Me” isn’t the best in this installment either. This new song, however, has a lot more going for it. The bridge is composed of chants that would be fun to shout and dance to, and while the song starts weak, it grows stronger after the first chorus and ends with a bang.


Zombies 3 Cast

Addison and Zed are in a zombie safe room singing Someday

Addison leaves with the aliens to help them find their new home in the cosmos. The main human, zombie, and werewolf characters look somberly to the sky and sing this song.

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“Someday” serves as the unofficial theme song of the Zombies franchise. It’s arguably the best and catchiest song in the first movie and it has been reprised several times with varying degrees of tempo. The first version is a poppy duet sung by Addison and Zed while the rendition in Zombies 3 is more like a slow ballad. Even so, “Someday” maintains the catchy tune and melody that made it a hit in the first place.

Come On Out Now

Chandler Kinney, Ariel Martin, Pearce Joza

Zombies 3 Werewolves

The werewolves realize the aliens were snooping around the moonstone and they grow angry. They search the area, trying to track the aliens down.

“Come On Out” is almost as good as the werewolves’ song in Zombies 2, “We Own The Night.” Chandler Kinney, who plays Willa, has such a beautiful voice and their howls that turn into ‘oohs’ are magical. Add the great beat and the clapping effect, and this is one of the best and catchiest songs of this epic Disney+ fantasy film. The one thing that prompts a lower spot on this list is the chorus, which consists of raspy whispers that are difficult to listen to.

Exceptional Zed

Zombies 3 Cast

Sea brook residents sing Exceptional Zed in Zombies 3

Zed is about to meet the recruiter for Mountain College during a home visit interview. If he gets in, he’d be paving the way for other monsters to attend higher education. To be considered, he must prove he is an exceptional student.

“Exceptional Zed” is a great song to sing and dance along to. Milo Manheim’s Zed is freaking out about the interview and everybody is pumping him up. One of the best lines is a part of the chorus when he sings “I just gotta forget my doubts and get up out of my head.” For anyone doubting their awesomeness, this song is sure to boost their confidence and get stuck in their head.

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Ain’t No Doubt About It

Milo Manheim and Meg Donnelly

zombies 3 addison & zed

Zed and Addison are discussing their future together before heading off to school. They’re both worried something will come between them, but they don’t want to show it.

“Ain’t No Doubt About It” is a very relatable song for anyone who has experienced young love. The swinging melody and snapping effect can distract from the conflict at hand, which appears to be the whole point of “Ain’t No Doubt About It” in this feel-good movie that can cheer anyone up in an instant. The chorus is a wonderful mix of brass and choral harmony that makes it easy to fall into the rhythm of the song and prompts fans to sing along.

Alien Invasion

Zombies 3 Cast

zombies 3 aliens

The Mighty Shrimp are about to leave for the championship football game with some recruiters from Mountain College when an alien spaceship appears.

“Alien Invasion” is the second song in the movie and it marks the inciting incident. Everything about this sequence is epic, from the explosions in the background to the alien’s choreography. The chorus of the song is super catchy, and the techno makes for a very dance-worthy number. The harmonies are amazing, and the alien/human mashup at the end is awesome.

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