All 10 Times Grogu Uses The Force In The Mandalorian & Why


  • Grogu demonstrated impressive Force abilities in The Mandalorian, including healing, levitating objects, and using the Force to push and pull for various reasons.

  • His growing bond with Din Djarin leads him to use the Force to protect his friends and loved ones in dangerous situations.

  • Grogu’s journey in The Mandalorian shows his development as a Force user, from small acts like stealing cookies to saving lives.

Grogu used the Force to accomplish 10 epic feats The Mandalorian, that’s why.When Grogu was first introduced The Mandalorian, he was nicknamed “Baby Yoda” by the audience. The moniker is fitting, as not only is he the third canon member of Yoda’s rare and unknown species, but he’s also a powerful Force user. While he’s still the equivalent of a preschooler and therefore less trained in the Force than Yoda, he still possesses impressive abilities that he’s shown off multiple times on the show.

Grogu frequently uses the Force in small ways throughout the show—for example, pushing around in a spinning chair and stealing cookies. However, there are a few times where he shows how powerful he truly is. He usually displays his most epic powers in emergencies. If Din Djarin is particularly in danger, Grogu will use his love and attachment to harness the Force. Since Grogu returned from two years of training with Luke Skywalker, his proficiency in the Force has grown significantly. Here’s a look at every time Grogu has used the Force so far and why.

RELATED 9 Force Powers of Grogu in ‘Star Wars’ Grogu’s Force powers in ‘The Mandalorian’ have continued to grow with each season thus far. He’s used at least 9 different Force powers so far, with more to come.

10 Grogu rescues Din Djarin from Muldhorn

Season 1, Episode 2 “Chapter 2: The Child”

The Mandalorian's Battle with Muldhorn

force power used

force levitation

In “Chapter 2: The Child,” a group of Jawas steal parts from Din Djarin’s ship. Of course, this creates a major problem for him and Grogu. After all, he had just broken the bounty agreement and rescued Grogu. The two are on the run from some very dangerous people. So, along with Ku’il, they tried to get the parts back from the Jawas. The Jawas insist that they will return the parts only if Din Djarin gives them a clay horn egg. Having no other choice, he agreed. This of course caused Muldhorn’s mother to be furious.

Mudhorns are powerful creatures. They resemble rhinos with exaggerated horns, have tough skin, are incredibly heavy, and are known for charging. Din Djarin understandably lost this battle. Grogu was knocked to the ground and the Mudhorn was about to crush him when he reached out with the Force and lifted him off the ground. It’s a powerful moment because it shows the growing connection between the two. Grogu had just been saved by Din Djarin, which he was grateful for, so when he saw Din Djarin in trouble, he used the Force to protect him.

9 Grogu chokes Cara Dune and engages in arm wrestling Din Djarin

Season 1, Episode 7 “Chapter 7: The Reckoning”

Grogu forced choke

force power used

forced suffocation

When Din Djarin recruits former Rebel commando Kara Shaan to help protect Grogu on Nevarro, the two engage in a friendly arm-wrestling match. However, Grogu didn’t understand what was happening. He believed that his (at the time) adoptive father was in pain and that Cara Dune was trying to hurt him. In anger and fear, he choked Kara until his father explained that it was okay.

This moment is shocking because it’s the first time Grogu has made a mistake and used the Dark Side Force. It’s also interesting because while his attachment to his father leads to his missteps, it’s his father who is able to pull him out of trouble and stop him from going too far. This moment shows the power of Grogu, who at times, like all Force users, suffers from the temptations of the dark side, but it also shows that Din Djarin has the ability to condition him and therefore be a good mentor for him.

8 Grogu strangles Moff Gideon’s stormtroopers

Season 2, Episode 6 “Chapter 14: Tragedy”

In The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 6, Grogu angrily uses the Force to throw Stormtroopers off Gideon's ship

force power used

forced suffocation

Moff Gideon was furious when he managed to kidnap Grogu. He angrily threw Moff Gideon’s stormtroopers around the cell, suffocating them with the Force. However, he seemed to pause for a moment to consider the ethics of what he was doing – surrendering to the dark side – and released the stormtroopers. This is a moment of growth for Grogu because unlike Kara, who has to be told to stop, he regulates himself. He realizes what he’s doing is wrong and chooses to escape the dark side.

7 Grogu heals Griff Karga

Season 1, Episode 7 “Chapter 7: The Reckoning”

Grogu forcibly heals Griff Karga in The Mandalorian

force power used

forced cure

In “Chapter 7: The Reckoning”, Din Djarin and Grogu’s friend Griff Karga is captured by the venomous reptile while camping with Din Djarin, Grogu, Ku’il, and Kara on Nevarro Injured, Grogu used the Force to save his life. This is another example of Grogu using the Force in a more intense way to save those he cares about. It’s worth noting that while he changed his mind and became their ally, up until that moment Karga had been planning to betray Grogu and return him to the Empire – and Grogu’s act of kindness changed his mind .

6 Grogu blocks Pyro’s flamethrower

Season 1, Episode 8 “Chapter 8: Redemption”

force power used

Push and pull

When IG-11, Kara Dune, Griff Karga, and Grogu are trapped in a building on Nevarro by Moff Gideon and his soldiers, Gideon sends a Flame The soldiers burned the building they were trapped inside. He hopes to recapture Grogu and eliminate his friends for good. However, Grogu saved everyone’s lives by using the Force, pushing the flamethrower’s flames back at Pyro. When his friends are in danger, especially when his father is inches from death and unable to protect himself, Grogu once again maintains his closest connection with the Force.

Din Djarin and Grogu in The Mandalorian Season 2 Poster
All 24 episodes of The Mandalorian, ranked from worst to best As the first live-action Star Wars TV show, The Mandalorian is both historic and beloved. Here are all 24 episodes of the show, ranked from worst to best.

5 Grogu pushes away Moff Gideon’s weapon

Season 3, Episode 8 “Chapter 24: The Return”

force power used

Push and pull

During Mandalore’s final showdown with Moff Gideon, Grogu witnessed Bo-Katan Kryze and Din Djarin fighting the Imperial warlord at his secret Imperial base. During the battle, Moff Gideon was disarmed. He reached for his weapon, but Grogu used the Force to push him off the platform. This proved Grogu’s ability to use the Force in combat without resorting to dark side powers, and he only further demonstrated this later in the same battle.

4 Grogu protects Din Djarin and Bo-Katan Kryze

Season 3, Episode 8 “Chapter 24: The Return”

Grogu uses the Force to fight back in 'The Mandalorian' season 3 finale

force power used

Push and pull

This is arguably Grogu’s most impressive display of the Force to date. He used a Force barrier to protect himself, Bo-Katan, and Din Djarin from being consumed in the explosion that killed Moff Gideon. Grogu once again uses the Force out of a sense of love and protection rather than fear and hatred.

3 The Force connection between Grogu and Tithon Ancient Temple

Season 2, Episode 6 “Chapter 14: Tragedy”

Grogu meditates on a rock in Tython in The Mandalorian

force power used

forced meditation

In seasons one and two, Din Djarin didn’t believe he was a suitable parent to Grogu. He felt that Grogu needed to be with his own kind – the Jedi. On Ahsoka’s recommendation, he took Grogu to the sightstone in an ancient temple on the planet Tython. There, Grogu entered deep meditation, contacting every Jedi in the galaxy. He is able to summon Luke from the planet. In this case, Grogu’s Force connection was enhanced by the stone and the highly Force-sensitive planet Tython itself.

2 Grogu jumps over Ragnar Vizsla’s head during training on Mandalore

Season 3, Episode 4 “Chapter 20: The Outcast”

Ragnar Vizsla looks down at Grogu covered in paint in The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 4

force power used

Strength enhances athletic ability

While the Mandalorian children were training, Din Djarin asked Grogu to join them. At first, Ragnar Vizsla won the battle. However, Din Djarin told Grogu that it was possible to use his Force abilities and encouraged him to show them what he was capable of. He then used the Force to jump over Ragnar’s head and used his superior reflexes to win the duel.

It’s a really sweet moment, as it shows Din Djarin helping Grogu learn to use the Force willingly to win battles. Until then, Grogu had struggled to use the Force as ordered. This shows both the progress he’s made with Luke and how his father’s encouragement continues to help him become more in tune with the Force.

1 Grogu runs around Moff Gideon’s Praetorian Guards

Season 3, Episode 8 “Chapter 24: The Return”

force power used

Strength enhances athletic ability

During the final battle against Moff Gideon, Grogu was trapped alone in a room with Gideon’s Praetorian Guard. With his life on the line, he used the Force to jump to the rafters. He thrashed around the room, trying to stay out of their reach, until his father came to save him.It’s an impressive and light-hearted display of Grogu’s Force abilities, and it shows exactly how Grogu is now able to The Mandalorianthanks to his brief training with Luke and the encouragement of Din Djarin.

The Mandalorian is available to watch on Disney+

The Mandalorian Season 3 Poster

The Mandalorian

Release date November 12, 2019 Cast Werner Herzog, Emily Swallow, Pedro Pascal, Nick Nolte, Omid Altahi, Gina Carano, Carl Weathers, Giancarlo Esposito

Season 3

Streaming service Disney+

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