7 Times Obi-Wan Kenobi Used The Dark Side In Star Wars Canon


  • Obi-Wan Kenobi used the dark side to defeat Darth Maul, Anakin Skywalker, General Grievous, and Pre Vizsla in various battles.

  • His struggle with the dark side is often overlooked compared to Anakin’s, but Obi-Wan’s emotions occasionally lead him to take dark actions.

  • Even the wise Jedi Master Yoda must contend with the darkness within himself, showing the powerful pull and impact emotions have on Force users.

Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi touches the dark side seven times in the books Star Wars A classic, whether in a movie or a TV show. Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of the most popular characters. From a wise Jedi saint in the original trilogy to a wise and stylish Jedi general during the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan has been through a lot in his life. While he kept his cool for the most part, there were a few times when the pressure got to him.

While Anakin Skywalker’s dark side tendencies are often discussed, Obi-Wan’s struggles on the light side path are less talked about. Since he seems more united than Anakin, it’s easy to assume that Obi-Wan was never tempted. However, the dark side has a powerful allure. Even Master Yoda must contend with the darkness within himself. Force users can easily lose control of their emotions and lose their inner balance, causing them to fall into the grip of the dark side – here are 7 times this happened to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Related How to Watch the Star Wars Movies in Order Here’s how to watch all the Star Wars movies and TV shows in chronological and release order, as well as how to fit each Star Wars movie and TV show into the Star Wars timeline.

7 Obi-Wan uses the dark side to defeat Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Obi-Wan fights Darth Maul with blue lightsaber in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Obi-Wan was anything but calm the first time he fought Darth Maul. Even before Maul murdered his master, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan was showing signs of restlessness. He was actively attacking, and when he was separated from Maul and Qui-Gon by the ray shield, he was pacing angrily instead of focusing. After Qui-Gon was killed, he became truly enraged, lost control, and used his dark side to kill Maul.

6 Obi-Wan uses the dark side to defeat Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Obi-Wan was so shocked when Anakin fell to the dark side that he shouted to Anakin that he loved him and considered him a brother, before leaving his former apprentice to burn on Mustafar.this Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith novelization Written in collaboration with George Lucas himself elaborated on the moment, noting that while Obi-Wan knew the merciful course of action would be to kill Anakin as he lay burning on the lava beach, he “It doesn’t feel kind.” The fight is about two wounded men lashing out and connecting with the dark side.

Buy Matthew Stover’s Revenge of the Sith novel here

5 Obi-Wan used the dark side while fighting General Grievous in the Clone Wars

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 8 “Heading to the Rescue”

Obi-Wan Kenobi locks lightsaber with General Grievous in The Clone Wars

In “Ride to the Rescue,” General Grievous boards Obi-Wan’s ship and overwhelms his forces with a droid army. He crushes a clone trooper in front of Obi-Wan, who looks disgusted. Then he said: “You will regret this,” and violently attacks Grievous.

However, he was outnumbered and retreated to an escape pod with his men, deciding to initiate the ship’s self-destruction with Grievous on board. In anger, however, he made a tactical mistake. He sends Grievous a snarky message, telling him he’s going to blow up the ship. This gave Grievous enough time to escape.​

4 The brutal duel that destroys malice also hints at the dark side

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 1, Episode 4 “Destroying Malice”

General Grievous and Obi-Wan Kenobi fight on the train in Malice

In Malice of Destruction , Obi-Wan fights General Grievous. While doing so, he made a snarky comment about how unimpressed he was by Grievous’ abilities. A Jedi who is in contact with the light side is expected to be calm and focused when fighting; however, Obi-Wan is not such a person. While fighting Grievous and his droid army, he couldn’t help but insult Grievous.

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3 Obi-Wan’s battles with Darth Maul and Savage Opry show his rage

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 4, Episode 22 “Revenge”

Obi-Wan fights Darth Maul in The Clone Wars

Darth Maul became a thorn in Obi-Wan’s side after his resurrection. clone wars. Maul hated Obi-Wan for cutting him in half and did everything he could to get revenge. In Revenge, Obi-Wan and Asajj Ventress team up to fight Darth Maul and Savage Opry.

As they fight, Maul taunts Obi-Wan, reminding him how he killed his master. This caused Obi-Wan to fall to the dark side and lash out in anger. Even Maul noticed, and mockingly told him that his anger was causing him to lose his balance and that he was straying from the Jedi path. In this episode, Obi-Wan also utters one of his most chilling lines ever: “When I cut you in half, I should aim for your neck“.

2 Obi-Wan uses the dark side to fight Previzla and the Death Guard

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 2, Episode 12 “The Mandalorian Conspiracy”

In “The Mandalorian Conspiracy,” the Death Guard attacked Obi-Wan’s lover, Duchess Satine Kryze, in an attempt to overthrow the pacifists and restore Mandalore’s warrior ways. When Pre Vizsla walked out with the Darksaber, he told Obi-Wan that it was stolen from the Jedi Temple, had been used to kill many Jedi, and would now be used to kill him and Satine. Furious, Obi-Wan fights Previzla. As he fights for Satine’s life, the look on his face clearly shows anger and disgust for his opponent. He succumbed to rage and confused emotions during the duel.

1 Obi-Wan goes deep into the dark side as Rakko Harding

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Season 4, Episodes 15-18

When Chancellor Palpatine’s life is threatened, Obi-Wan fakes his death and takes on the form of ruthless mercenary Rako Hardin to uncover and foil the plot. To play the role, Obi-Wan tapped into the dark side. For example, when he was verbally harassed in prison, he stabbed a man in the hand with a fork and casually threatened to eat him. Even though he’s acting, the fact that Obi-Wan Kenobi himself is able to deliver such extreme threats so easily shows how deeply invested he is in the character.

All Star Wars movies and TV shows are available to watch on Disney+

Ewan McGregor plays Obi-Wan in Obi-Wan Kenobi TV show

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Death Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope

Alias: Ben, Rako Harding

Alliance Jedi

race human

Qui-Gon Jinn (Master), Anakin Skywalker (Apprentice), Luke Skywalker (Apprentice)

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