10 Cutest RDJ & Chris Evans Twitter Interactions That Show They’ll Be Friends For Life

In the MCU, Captain America and Iron Man have had somewhat of an up-and-down relationship. In the end, the two were on good terms and working together again as friends and teammates during Avengers: Endgame. While the relationship between Steve and Tony might be complicated in both the comics and the MCU, the friendship between actors Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans has always been a strong one.

Outside of filming these movies, the two are known to be friends and often interact back and forth on Twitter. Fans have loved these little interactions over the years. So, we’ve collected some of their best Twitter moments that show that their friendship is real.


Robert Downey Jr. is known for being a social media king. He often posts memes and jokes related to the MCU and his co-actors. He especially loves to post memes that are related to Steve and Tony. For a while, RDJ was posting some images that fans had created comparing Steve and Tony to characters from classic animated Disney movies.

This example shows Chris as Prince Charming and RDJ as Snow White. These memes are both adorable and funny and show that RDJ is pretty supportive of people who ship the two characters together.


The two actors have also wished each other happy birthday on Twitter before, and this is just one of the best examples. This year on RDJ’s birthday, Chris Evans wished him a happy birthday while also saying no one else can compare to him.

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It’s clear that Evans thinks very highly of RDJ, and this tweet makes his admiration of him very apparent, especially with all those exclamation points! The way they support each other and reach out to each other as friends is really cute.


This is another example of RDJ getting really into memes of Tony and Steve. This image shows Tony and Steve as characters from Bambi, matching “all the way down to the eye color.”

The picture definitely does look quite a bit like Steve and Tony, and many fans loved that RDJ posted this. RDJ has often been supportive and chill on social media about many different ships with his character Tony Stark, and fans of Steve/Tony were definitely loving this meme.


One thing that many people can agree on is that Robert Downey Jr. basically acts like a real-life Tony Stark. Their personalities can seem really similar, and they both have a lot of money and try to use it for good.

RDJ recently announced that he was planning on using his time and money to help with climate change and the environment. Evans went on Twitter to support this move. While he only said one word in this tweet, it’s clear he supports his friend in his attempts to change the world. RDJ also supports Chris. He did give him a car, after all.


One thing that’s a lot of fun to see between these two is how they are both similar in some ways to their characters. When Evans went online to complain about modern technology, many people noticed that this seems like something Steve Rogers would say.

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RDJ seemed to agree. He replied to Evans tweet by saying that he and Mark Ruffalo, the “Science Bros,” could teach him how to use tech. This is definitely something Tony would do to help Steve, so fans were loving this crossover.


This might be an older tweet, but it’s definitely a cute one. In this tweet, RDJ tweets about how he and Evans are expecting. While he doesn’t really expound on that, it makes it seem like this is a pregnancy announcement between the two.

Once again, fans of the Steve/Tony ship were super happy about this tweet, and it’s another example of how relaxed and supportive RDJ is of fans. He definitely loves Steve and Tony (and Chris!), too.


Robert Downey Jr. has become more and more like Tony Stark, as many people have pointed out. So, while Tony Stark might be gone in the MCU for now, RDJ keeps that legacy going.

One way he’s a lot like Tony is a snarky sense of humor. When Chris Evans had a mustache for his role in Lobby Hero on Broadway, the Internet kind of lost it. RDJ combined this Internet joke with a Thanos snap meme when he posted this hilarious image.


RDJ and Chris Evans aren’t just friends with each other. The cast of Avengers, especially the original six, all seem to be good friends. They often post set photos and videos, and RDJ is one of the most active social media participants of any of them.

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He posted this set photo from Avengers: Endgame that showed Evans, Downey, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, and Jeremy Renner all together. It’s always heartwarming to see these guys all be friends, much like their character counterparts in Avengers.


In the comics and sometimes in the MCU, Steve and Tony are often there for each other, even as they end up having disagreements. In this cute exchange, RDJ posts fan art showing Cap using his shield to protect Tony from enemy fire.

RDJ references the two characters being best friends and looking out for each other, and Evans responds in kind. Looks like they get along just as well as Steve and Tony, if not better!


In another example of RDJ’s Twitter being a meme paradise, he posted a fan-made meme of comparing Steve Rogers to Chris Evans. The two shots look the same, except for Steve’s serious grimace and Chris’ bright, sunny smile.

RDJ says that this is a totally accurate representation of the two. Clearly, RDJ knows Chris Evans really well, and they will likely be friends forever.

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