ا امہ ا Ice-Cream ,

. No. In it, you will be able to eat cheap, cheap and expensive ice cream. However, you did not know about the most expensive ice cream in the world. इसे लेकर He did that to me. Guinness World Records in the Guinness Book of Records. That is. इस लेख He is one of them.

किस कैपनी ने है एसक्रीम

A Guinness World Record entered the world of records. वा करें Cellato ने Then he did it and he did it.

कितना है का का दाम

The ice cream company told the Guinness World Records that it used special White Truffles to make the ice cream. It is found in Italy, costs 2 million yen in Japan. He talked about Parmigiano Reggiano and Parmigiano Reggiano. He did that. US$873,400, Largest version is 5.2

kiss the chef eating ice cream

In making this ice cream, the company helped Tadayoshi Yamada, the chef of Rivi restaurant in Osaka, who created the most expensive ice cream with a blend of European and Japanese ingredients.

के लिटा साउन में हुइ इसक्रीम

Company 1.5 सालोन का . इस दाउरान He did it to him. It’s one of the best ways to do it. अन्ट में साभी He did it and he did it.

ये भी है दुनिया की इसक्रीम की

The most expensive ice cream also counts as strawberry orange juice. Strawberries, cream, wine, spices, mint and vanilla were used to make it. अग्या अलावा Black Diamond Cream भी सबस्बे महंग That is. ایس ایسکریم این انی ا یستم ا اطا . अपका बाता This is something I can’t do. At the same time, production of chocolate ice cream began in America in January 1851.

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Categories: Trends
Source: vcmp.edu.vn

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